Mapping Hour is a set of 20 informal one-hour instructional videos about ArcGIS Online for parents and teachers, with chunks that scaffold concepts and skills for using ArcGIS Online in K12 instruction. The videos take users from an initial experience with GIS to integrating tools for an involved project. Read the program announcement. >>

  1. Survey
    Register for the Mapping Hour
    Sign-up here for an ArcGIS Online account for teachers or parents who instruct youth. These are publisher-level accounts and will be available for use at least until August 1 2022. For questions, email
    Request ArcGIS Online account
    tbakerk12 | Created: 3/30/2020
    Sign-up here for an ArcGIS Online account for teachers or parents who instruct youth. These are publisher-level accounts and will be available for use at least until August 1 2022. For questions, email

Mapping Hour episodes

Updates: Episode 20 is now posted under "Episodes". YouTube channel contains a special Vignettes playlist.

Introduction (1 min)

Meet the Mapping Hour team and what they see as some exciting elements in this new online learning experience for parents and teachers from the Esri K-12 Education program.

YouTube | OneDrive

Episode 1 (1 hr)

In this episode Charlie introduces the Esri Schools Mapping bundle. Joseph and Kylie demonstrate some basic mapping skills with ArcGIS Online.

YouTube | OneDrive

Resources referenced in this episode. >>

Unlock ArcGIS Online for Your School

Around the world, K12 schools can request and use ArcGIS Online in the classroom - absolutely free.


Register for the Mapping Hour


Fill out the form to request the free school bundle from Esri


When you receive the activation email in a few days, click the link to set-up the bundle.


Make, save, and share maps!

Contact Information