Episodes and descriptions are available below. Twenty episodes were released in April 2020. We anticipate episodes to be available as long as the content is up-to-date.
Episode 1
In this episode Charlie introduces the Esri Schools Mapping bundle. Joseph and Kylie demonstrate some basic mapping skills with ArcGIS Online.
Episode 2
In this episode Tom introduces GeoInquiries. Kylie and Joseph demonstrate Elementary (Elevation), American Lit (Gatsby), Earth science (Cracked Plates), and US History (Dust Bowl) GeoInquiries.
Episode 3
In this episode Tom and Joseph use the Math GeoInquiry, Linear Rate of Change to demonstrate basic symbolization of data. Kylie then uses the Environmental Science GeoInquiry, Investigating Biodiversity to demonstrate more symbolization skills. Tom reviews the GeoInquiry worksheets and basic pedagogical practices for teaching with GeoInquiries via worksheet. Charlie demonstrates the Human Geography GeoInquiry, USA demographics and shows off some additional data practices.
Episode 4
In this episode, Charlie demos presentation capacities of the Map Viewer. Tom and Joseph convert a GeoInquiry into a presentation while introducing metadata. Kylie demonstrates Scene and shows more metadata features, including sharing.
Episode 5
In this episode, Tom takes a deeper dive into metadata. Joseph uses a world hydro dataset to create metadata and shows off profiles. Kylie demonstrates tags and shows why they are important. Charlie wraps up the hour with an advanced discussion of sharing.
Episode 6
In this episode, Charlie demonstrates tables with Table Time and Kylie maps static earthquake data. Tom and Kylie live map earthquake data atop the GeoInquiry, The Earth Moves. Joseph talks GPS.
Episode 7
In this episode, Joseph shows off geocoding and Tom shares time-enabled data. Kylie and Charlie demonstrate different ways of publishing data and requirements to do so.
Episode 8
In this episode, Joseph introduces the Living Atlas and Kylie shows off a Learn activity. Charlie shows Tom how to build a boundary map with population density using Living Atlas data.
Episode 9
In this episode, we discover the analysis tools in ArcGIS Online! Joseph begins with the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak. Kylie and Tom use the same analysis approach (buffers and aggregation) to understand patterns during the US Industrial Revolution. Charlie uses upstream and downstream watershed analysis from his fishing hole on a river.
Episode 10
This is the "app-isode" you've been waiting for! Tom and Charlie use a template to turn a map into a "Minimalist" app. Joseph makes a fancy "Compare" app and Kylie walks us through building an app with Web AppBuilder.
Episode 11
Kylie introduces Survey123 with Tom showing an example survey and Joseph helping to dive deeper into concepts. Tom introduces GeoProjects - http://esriurl.com/geoprojects.
Episode 12
Join us for advanced techniques in using Survey123, led by Kylie showing how to create surveys that work offline! Tom, Charlie, and Joseph try to keep up with her.
Episode 13
In this episode, Kylie and Joseph create an editable feature layer and use Collector, while Tom and Charlie create and use QuickCapture displaying final results with the Attachment Viewer web app template.
Episode 14
In this episode, we focus on Dashboard visualizations. Charlie introduces dashboards using the MCH Strategic Data school closure dashboard and then begins a new dashboard. Kylie and Joseph add components to Charlie's dashboard. Charlie summarizes by showing the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard. Throughout the episode, Teacher Tom is orchestrating file ownership to allow the three "students" to collaborate safely in editing the dashboard.
Episode 15
In this episode, the team provides an overview of Business Analyst Online and Mobile. Kylie, Tom, and Joseph demo BAO while Charlie shows off BA mobile.
In this episode, Charlie explores classic storymaps for learning. Tom talks about project design while Kylie and Joseph introduce story maps.
Episode 17
In this episode, Kylie and Joseph show some tips and tricks for success with storymaps. Tom recaps project design through a TPAC lens and discusses how we see use of projects and storymaps. Charlie shares a progression of teaching strategies with GIS and overviews the U.S. highschool and middleschool map competition from Esri.
Episode 20
In the final episode of the Mapping Hour series, each instructor gets 10 minutes to share one non-technical resource and one tech tool in lightening style presentations.
- Kylie: Arcade scripting, Resources pages (and ArcGIS help documentation)
- Joseph: mapping geotagged images, Tapestry
- Tom: Python and AGO Notebooks, Career Corner videos
- Charlie: ArcGIS Earth, ArcGIS Explorer, http://k12.maps.arcgis.com, GeoNet
Mapping Hour